Tuesday, July 1, 2008

church signs


The first sign makes me laugh....and according to the second sign God doesn't spend time on earth. (some people should not be allowed to read the Bible)

The third sign makes me really want to attend they're church, they seem really cool. I can picture the sermon being given in a rhyming rap, that would be rad. Plus they make Jesus seem rad, which he is.

The sign about atheists...some people just dont understand what Jesus said about loving everyone. It sucks that this sign even exists. 

I'm really glad the Praise Assembly church put this sign up, because now I'll feel welcome when I go there. Am I still aloud to smoke some joints outside the church?


Anonymous said...

some people just dont understand what Jesus said about loving everyone.... quote from your blog.

You should take your own advice. Love everyone even those Christians who over Christianize everything.

Think about it. These blogs just seem really harsh/hateful.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of tough love? Jesus yelled at people, called them on their shit, and wouldn't stand for the status quo. And He called that love. Love is not a fuzzy feeling and an empty, I-don't-really-give-a-shit "Hi, how are you?" on Sunday mornings in the lobby of your "church".

Anonymous said...

This is not what I would call tough love. Tough love is when you sit down with your best friend and tell her shes going to rehab because she has a drinking problem. Or when your friend takes your keys away because you have had too much to drink..... Tough love is not writing snide commentary on a blog about others.

Brian Wallin said...

AAAAmen to what conquetish has to say. Matt you and Nick have "love" a little backwards as well. Love isn't calling people out via blog. It is being sacrificial in your relationship with that person. God is love. Not you.