Sunday, July 20, 2008


I recently just got back from vacation in North Carolina. I have family around the Charlotte area that I went to go visit who live near a lake called Lake Norman. Lake Norman is a massive lake with a lot of lake front property. There's literally millions and millions of dollars around this lake. This is one of the homes that I saw that just about made me puke. To give you a reference, we were driving around neighborhoods for about 30 minutes and for 20 of those minutes all the houses were this size. That's 20 minutes of going about 15 mph, you do the math on how many homes we passed that were this size. The crazy thing is (if that's possible) is that this was only a fraction of the rest of the lake front property. 

Houses everywhere were this size. When we were driving by these houses my stomach was in knots. For many reasons. I cannot imagine living in a house that large. It could fit 5 family's and I'm guessing only 2-4 people live in homes that size on average. What possess' people to purchase a home that expensive and large? Who really needs that much space? Maybe I'm over-frugal. I just feel like people buy these big homes and nice cars to hide behind the real problems in life. So they can give the idea that everything is great and fine and no problems ever happen. But it's most likely exactly the opposite. To live up to a standard that no one really cares they live up to except themselves. Its pointless.

The worst part of this for me is that I'm willing to bet some of these home owners call themselves Christians. I'm not saying buying a house that big is necessarily wrong, sure you might be able to put together some reasons, but calling yourself a Christian when you live in a multi million dollar home isn't hard to do. Because the Christianity they know isn't hard. ( They probably watch Joel Osteen on Sunday mornings and call that church).

I would feel better about the situation if a Christian owned that home and constantly showed people God's love through the home, inviting people over, letting people stay, opening up the home to anyone who needs a place to stay. But doing that becomes harder when the possessions in the home are luxurious and pricy. When you start believing it is all yours, then you won't allow yourself to show God's love through your home. 

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Anyone want to play a faith filled family friendly Christian version of Monopoly? Try BIBLEOPOLY! (I just barfed a little) Start 'In the Beginning' (I wonder if you start out naked? If so I want to play) and travel around the board to different BIble cities! Instead of going to jail like in the original Monopoly, in Bibleopoly you go to Meditation. Are the creator's of this game serious? In Bibleopoly good deeds are rewarded (bad theology anyone?) 

The object of the game is to build a church in one of the Bible cities. In Bibleopoly you cannot win by destroying your opponents. You only win by assisting the fellow players. Cooperation is what allows you to gain the things necessary to build your church and be a wiener (I mean winner). 

I bet your wondering how to build a church in Bibleopoly, well you earn Cornerstone pieces by helping a fellow player or doing community service. You then make offerings to earn the bricks and steeple to build a church. 

I bought my Bibleopoly on You can order your Bibleopoly there along with other terrible Christian games.

Just curious: If this is Bibleopoly why isn't Jesus in the game? 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

church signs


The first sign makes me laugh....and according to the second sign God doesn't spend time on earth. (some people should not be allowed to read the Bible)

The third sign makes me really want to attend they're church, they seem really cool. I can picture the sermon being given in a rhyming rap, that would be rad. Plus they make Jesus seem rad, which he is.

The sign about atheists...some people just dont understand what Jesus said about loving everyone. It sucks that this sign even exists. 

I'm really glad the Praise Assembly church put this sign up, because now I'll feel welcome when I go there. Am I still aloud to smoke some joints outside the church?

hey all, welcome to my blog. usually a blogger might describe their blog to you, outlining what they hope to accomplish in their blog. but instead of introducing my blog to you with a description, i will let the blog speak for itself and let you develop your own description. 
