I recently caught word of a Church in Scottsdale, AZ. I heard that it was based off of drive-in movies. The Church is called Glass & Garden Drive In Church, and was founded by a man named Floyd Goulooze. Goulooze came to Arizona in 1963 and based on the expectation that the Phoenix area would be growing at a exponential rate, bought 7 acres of land. With the land he built a church and an adjacent drive in facility, complete with drive in movie speakers. He had a vision of preaching from the pulpit and having listeners drive up to the speaker and hear the message from they're AM radio.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
DRIVE IN Church?
I recently caught word of a Church in Scottsdale, AZ. I heard that it was based off of drive-in movies. The Church is called Glass & Garden Drive In Church, and was founded by a man named Floyd Goulooze. Goulooze came to Arizona in 1963 and based on the expectation that the Phoenix area would be growing at a exponential rate, bought 7 acres of land. With the land he built a church and an adjacent drive in facility, complete with drive in movie speakers. He had a vision of preaching from the pulpit and having listeners drive up to the speaker and hear the message from they're AM radio.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Brilliance of Jesus
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Anyone want to play a faith filled family friendly Christian version of Monopoly? Try BIBLEOPOLY! (I just barfed a little) Start 'In the Beginning' (I wonder if you start out naked? If so I want to play) and travel around the board to different BIble cities! Instead of going to jail like in the original Monopoly, in Bibleopoly you go to Meditation. Are the creator's of this game serious? In Bibleopoly good deeds are rewarded (bad theology anyone?)
The object of the game is to build a church in one of the Bible cities. In Bibleopoly you cannot win by destroying your opponents. You only win by assisting the fellow players. Cooperation is what allows you to gain the things necessary to build your church and be a wiener (I mean winner).
I bet your wondering how to build a church in Bibleopoly, well you earn Cornerstone pieces by helping a fellow player or doing community service. You then make offerings to earn the bricks and steeple to build a church.
I bought my Bibleopoly on www.WeMakeDumbChristianGames.com You can order your Bibleopoly there along with other terrible Christian games.
Just curious: If this is Bibleopoly why isn't Jesus in the game?